Monday, 2 December 2013


I'm bored of blogging, you know like blogging officially and actively going out of my way write something about someone, something or stay on top of the onslaught of new things. I guess a majority of the time I tend to publicise the things that inspire me, which somehow become a reflect of oneself. There's no science to Up In The Ear apart from it being a place for me to share my interests, desires and the things I'm intrigued by. I've tried structuring my posts and scheduling them daily but that kinda takes away from my other duties, at my blogging peak I'm less productive musically -I tend to make less music as I'm just surfing around and I also tend to write a lot less too.

The thing about music, lyricism and writing is that you've got these creative urges that need to be expressed but you're not allocating enough time to expressing them. I'm too tired to continue writing so I'm going to end this in ellipses...

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