Thursday, 30 January 2014

New Brand?

Perhaps on some distant planet somewhere I need a new brand. I feel like I've flogged the same donkey for years and I need a change. Maybe a change of clothes, I could dress the sight up in some new threads -maybe a logo or maybe I need a new approach. It's the year of the horse and apparently it's the year of riding into prosperity, it could even be the year that the pale horse rides in -over the heads of many, either way (tend to say that phrase far too much, I really need something new whether it be approach or a way of working as at the moment it's kinda a 'meh', optimistic still kinda vibe. So what's the plan of action you ask?

Well it's all in my head, and in my mind mapping app that I should really add something to. It's time to step into making it happen, kinda inprovising around a script I may have already written or even be written elsewhere. Either way[s] (here we go again with the either way), I'll make it a success.

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